Eagle Eye's Risk-Based Review Process New from SiteQuest Technologies
Some advisors have a large and aggressive web presence, signing up for profiles on sites like Yelp, WalletHub, Investopedia, Alignable or social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram. Other advisors will be more moderate in their approach to advertising and promoting themselves on the web, while some will have a small or non-existent presence online.
With such a wide breadth of risk, supervising the web effectively and efficiently can be a huge challenge, especially for large firms who need to monitor hundreds to thousands of individuals.
This is why we developed a new risk-based approach to our Eagle Eye workflow processes. With added system intelligence, enhanced lexicon capabilities, system learning, and detailed evaluation of results content, Eagle Eye automatically discovers your riskiest advisors and focuses your attention to where it’s needed.
What does this all mean?
Reviewers spend their time supervising those who have a large and riskier web presence.
Those with a small or non-existent web presence are still being supervised and documented with little to no work involved.
One reviewer can supervise hundreds to thousands of advisors in very little time.
The longer Eagle Eye is utilized, high risk advisors will automatically be funneled out allowing for heightened supervision.
Contact us today and see for yourself how our new Risk-Based Review Process will revolutionize the way your supervise your advisors' online presence.